
2011 Xinhui Tangerine Peel-Sanjiang Production Area (11 years in the making, essence accumulated over the years in each piece)


2011 Xinhui Tangerine Peel – Sanjiang Production Area. Core production area allows for natural sun and natural storage, 11 years in the making, each piece is the essence accumulated over the years. Tangerine peel is regarded for natural healing that strengthens the stomach and moisturizes the lungs. A good cup of vintage tangerine peel, sweet and mellow, can be drunk frequently.

2 in stock


2011 Xinhui Tangerine Peel – Sanjiang Production Area. Core production area allows for natural sun and natural storage, 11 years in the making, each piece is the essence accumulated over the years. Tangerine peel is regarded for natural healing that strengthens the stomach and moisturizes the lungs. A good cup of vintage tangerine peel, sweet and mellow, can be drunk frequently.